Symptom Quizzes
Symptom quizzes
Below are several symptom quizzes that can help you to better identify your general psychological distress levels, or whether you have any anxiety, depressive, post traumatic stress, insomnia or benzodiazepine dependence symptoms. Please click on one of the buttons below to take one of the quizzes.
Psychological Distress
Use the K10 quiz to check for psychological distress symptom levels.
Anxiety Symptoms
Use the GAD7 quiz to check for anxiety symptom levels.
Depressive Symptoms
Use the PHQ9 quiz to check for depressive symptom levels.
Insomnia Symptoms
Use the ISI quiz to check for insomnia symptom levels.
PTSD Symptoms
Use the PCL-5 quiz to check for post traumatic stress disorder symptom levels.
Benzodiazepine Dependency
Use the BDZQ to check for benzodiazepine dependence symptom levels.
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